Monday, March 4, 2013

The WarZ

So before we delve into this I want to make sure we are all on the same page here and go read this don't worry it will open in a new window. 

So basically the creator got big headed and messed up, big time.  This has created a sense of disgust around the game in our vicious community and now no one really wants to buy it, me included.  I was really looking forward to this game and the direction it was going and now I want nothing to do with it.  I understand getting cocky because of good numbers and yes spawn campers are an unfortunate part of gaming especially in this kind of game, there should be swift and severe punishment for it when people are losing real money because someone thinks it is fun to grief people in a game.  But you cannot just refuse refunds because people are speaking their minds about being mislead into purchasing something that is not quite what they were told.  If you go to Burger King and order a Whopper and they give you a half cooked piece of chicken on a roll and will not take it back you would complain and try to tell as many people as possible right?  It does not matter how big your game gets, you have to cater to your audience if you want extended success.

So after all of this drama and slander the creator has apologized for the controversy stating that "developer Hammerpoint Interactive "failed to effectively communicate" its plans for the new zombie survival game, which led to some "very negative feedback" from members of the community.  I became arrogant and blinded by the early success and quick growth of The War Z, our increasing number of players, numbers we were getting from surveys, etc., and I chose not to notice the concerns and questions raised by these members of the game community as well as others," Titov said. "This failure is entirely on my shoulders and if anything I owe thanks to that vocal minority and admit that I should have paid attention sooner. I chose instead to concentrate on the bigger picture: my dream of turning The War Z from being a game developed by a small indie team into a large online venture, instead of addressing small things first and staying focused on the game issues."

Titov further noted that the events of the past week were "especially humbling." He said the past cannot be changed, but promised the same mistakes will not be made in the future.  I certainly hope that these kinds of "mistakes will not happen in the future nor am I convinced that there will be a future for the War Z after all of this.

Titov mentions that he is going to try and turn the view on him and the game around in the coming year as this whole thing has gotten out of hand but this jaded gamer just doesn't see how he can gain the trust of a community that will not stand being taken advantage of back after such and uproar.

What it basically breaks down to is the creator got arrogant, the moderators got overpowered, and now they are reeling as hard as they can to try and keep their audience.  They have offered to fly in 10 gamers from around the world to see the studio and give suggestions and test some features as a promotion to help regain some trust but I feel this may be too little too late for the community as a whole.  You can't hit a dog and apologize to the cat and call it good, you will have to make some significant strides to reach everyone again, Titov. 

I may hate Treyarch and Activision for not doing anything ground breaking with their games, er, game anymore since they only make more Call of Duty's every year but at least they listen to their community when something is going wrong.  It may take them an eternity to patch whatever glitches are prevalent but they won't call you names when you tell them something is wrong.  Also there can be no false advertising with CoD since it is the same basic game every year, you always know what to expect, you will be killed by kids, cussed and slandered by the aforementioned, and leave wanting to know why you even bought it.  But you will always be back for more.

Happy Hunting,